Take a picture it will last longer

Taking pictures with friends and (some) family, printing off said pictures; is important part of life.

Like, of course not the most important part of life, but I LOVE looking at pictures of the past. When I was a kid, in high school, college, with friends, marriage, our kids and all the randomness in-between.

After the death of a friend of mine, I was so incredibly pissed for one, she was dead, secondly, we only had taken one picture together. That’s all I have.

I know, I know, I have the memories.

But only having that one picture struck a cord with me.

I already enjoyed taking pictures, being in pictures, printing off pictures, but something switched in my amazing brain.

I had a fancy Canon camera ( you know the one that you kinda have to have a clue of how to use in order to take a shot) for the love, I wing it. I hate aperture, it can go fuck itself, but it’s important.

Anyway, one of the fancy Canon cameras was a graduation gift from my dad for actually graduating college.

Today, I now have 2 fancy Canons, a Fugi film camera ( like a Polaroid), a Polaroid camera (the markup is ridiculous but it’s an instant gratification photo) and a Canon camera that I can put in my pocket and it records video as well…. but of course, I can do all this shit on the IPhone.

However, I have a fear of missing a moment with someone. Or missing the perfect shot of an awesome moment.

So I print off many moments. I’m not going to put them in a three ring binder that says something cheesy, but I did tell Andrew, he will have the box of pictures. Because Natalie will be traveling the world or something.

Once a blue moon, I get on a “oh my, I need to print off some pictures or we won’t ever have any picture memories to look back on!” Natural disaster or God forbid Facebook accidentally deletes all of our pictures, our computer crashes, I die, and Josh picks the worst pictures for my memorial service.

Today, I printed a solid amount. There are layers upon layers on that bookshelf. (see Reba and me, we got our own spot)

I will eventually, take them into the picture box. Wherever it may be.

So take the pictures.

But don’t just keep the camera next to your face chasing a picture instead of a memory.

Print the pictures, but make sure you have enough ink and photo paper.

Good memories Good Times.

Love, grace, peace and laughter, my friends.


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